
Homeowners Insurance Consumer Tip

Homeowners Insurance Consumer Tip

Be smart! For most people, your home is your most valuable asset! Protect it!

  • Make sure you have enough insurance to rebuild your home.
Call your insurance agent to determine the insurance company’s calculation of the cost to rebuild your home. If you are not insured to that level, get a quote and consider increasing your coverage. Ask what the repercussions are if you have a major claim.

  • Take photographs of your home and possessions.
Store a copy of these pictures in a safe place away from your home.

  • Comparison Shop.
Compare prices. Ask questions. Remember to compare apples to apples. When shopping, make sure that you are comparing comparable limits and benefits.

To helpful anymore call the fair housing center at (419) 243-6163 call now !!


Amelia said...

Yes my home is the most valuable asset to me as I had spent all my savings to buy it. I will take into account all the tips that you have listed above to buy the best home insurance policy for it. Thanks for sharing all these handy tips.
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Unknown said...

I agree that having enough home insurance to rebuild your home is important. Something that really is great is being able to have some kind of understanding of what it takes to have that kind of coverage. That is what I'm trying to do know since I've read this. Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

I agree that it's incredibly important to be smart about what homeowners insurance you purchase. Your home is probably the most important thing you own. Keeping it safe and in great condition is critical! I'll have to look over my own insurance plan and make sure that it fits everything I need for me and my family.

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