
Insurance Tips for Event Organisers

Insurance Tips for Event Organisers

as an event organisers you need to plan for the unexpected, so it’s important to be properly insured. here are the top ten insurance tips for event organizers :
  1. Insure early – as soon as you are committed to the venue. This is to ensure maximum cover and best rates. Insurers can’t cover incidents that have already happened.
  2. There is an opportunity to lower your premium by carrying out a full risk management exercise.
  3. Identify the susceptibility of your attendees to be affected by disrupted transport. If this is likely, insurance may be needed to protect against any enforced reduced attendance at your event. For example, if most of your guests are fl ying in from overseas your event could be severely affected by an airport strike.
  4. Ensure the site of the event is secure and all attendees, visitors, and sub-contractors are readily identifi able. Don’t rely on the venue to know who is walking into your event.
  5. Check the venues for slipping and tripping hazards as a signifi cant proportion of accident claims involve attendees, visitors, sub-contractors etc falling over.
  6. It is paramount that you negotiate and check your venue contract closely. Make sure you understand it as the terms can be beyond your normal legal obligations. Your venue will rarely provide you with the insurance cover you need.
  7. Make sure you have adequate public liability insurance. Usually venues expect a public liability limit of indemnity of a minimum of £2million any one occurrence. Some venues require as much as £25million. Sub-contractors must have a similar limit.
  8. Ensure your exhibitors, delegates and subcontractors receive your terms and conditions so they are aware of their responsibilities. Failure to do so could mean, for example, an exhibitor who suffers damage to his exhibits will try to claim against you.
  9. Consult your legal department or lawyers when you issue your contract and terms and conditions, and when you sign your venue contract. Make sure you take out adequate insurance with a proven and acceptable event insurer.
  10. Obtain the best cover you can afford, and plan to improve the insurance budget for the next event. By planning ahead you can make sure you have enough money in the budget to get the best cover available to you.

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1 comment:

mahakk01 said...

If you are an event organizer you must be aware of insurance. In this tips you will find ten tips for event organizers insurance. These tips are very useful. You can share your experience with us. Thanks for the tips.
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